Le saviez-vous? L’immunothérapie orale pour traiter les allergies alimentaires n’est pas un traitement expérimental. Plus de 125 études ont été publiées à ce jour, dont 38 nouvelles cette année seulement. Voici ce que Dr. Kari Nadeau, à la tête de Sean N. Parker Center for Allergy & Asthma Research at Stanford University a à dire sur le sujet suite à leur 8+ années d’étude (la plus grande étude sur l’OIT jamais réalisé):
“For everyone who has stayed in the study, the treatment has been 100 percent successful,” says Nadeau. “It turns out that everyone’s immune system is capable of adapting — and surprisingly, it is as true of adults as children.” She and her team now have an eight-year study of OIT — the longest record in the United States — in which they found that everyone who was compliant with the treatment and continued to eat the foods has kept their allergies from returning.