Nous aimerions prendre un moment pour partager l’histoire d’Adriano, fils de Teodoro et Daniella, ainsi que remercier l’entreprise TMX Group pour leur généreux don!
Proud parents for the first time, my wife and I were lucky to have a beautiful and healthy little boy. Like most new parents we wanted the best for Adriano and we did everything to keep him safe. One day, when Adriano was just over 6 months old, we were having breakfast with friends at our house and we introduced our little one to peanuts for the first time. Shortly after, his face swelled up and we were on our way to the hospital. Days later, it was confirmed; Adriano is allergic to peanuts.
Suddenly, we become extremely anxious and felt we could no longer protect our son. The only way we could keep him safe was to avoid going to places as we only felt safe at home. This feeling of insecurity intensified when, at 9 months old, we found out Adriano was allergic to eggs.
We were very nervous about the whole process but were reassured by the doctors and nurses that they would be taking great care of our son. Within only a few months, Adriano was eating a peanut and small quantities of egg and we couldn’t believe it! Suddenly our stress level went way down! We were sharing our success story with others, and to much of our surprise, not many people knew that oral immunotherapy and the ByeByeAllergies existed.
We felt that all families whose lives were affected by allergies needed to have the opportunity to join the clinic. When I found out the company I work for (TMX Group) was looking to donate and help children’s organizations, I submitted my story about Adriano. They quickly saw the importance of donating to such important cause.
With their help and other donations, we really hope that ByeBye Allergies will be able to help countless other children like Adriano.
Teodoro & Daniella